Rufus Turner's Cabin


I took these photos of Missouri and Rufus relaxing on the porch of his cabin in July of 2022.

The porch was originally one of the second story side rooms of the Barbie A-Frame Dreamhouse.  I cut the support pillars to make the room ground level.  I cut off part of the bottom of the roof to allow access to the porch.  I repainted the roof pieces and railings brown, painted the floors in two shades of grey, and covered the columns with dark brown contact paper.

I made an exterior wall to sell the illusion that this room is a porch.  The logs are three-dimensional, made of rolled-up newspaper and papier-mâché.  

The porch door is non-functional.  The window is made from a piece of plastic storage basket from Dollar Tree, spray-painted black.  The trim is paperboard covered with dark woodgrain scrapbook paper.

Rufus and Sam Winchester in the main room of the cabin in winter.  You can see more log walls and windows made of cut out sections of plastic baskets.  The trim around these interior windows wasn't finished yet.  The split logs are sticks from my yard that I dried, and split with a claw hammer, using an old screwdriver as a wedge. 

One of the interior walls of the cabin is made of vertical panels, so I recreated it in miniature with scrapbook paper.  The dark blue enamel coffeepot matches a full-sized one from the set of Rufus's cabin on the TV show Supernatural.

The cabin is heated with a wood stove and a large stone fireplace.  The fireplace is cardboard.  The rocks are pieces of egg carton.  (There is a small battery-powered tea light to light the fireplace, but it was daytime and the light didn't show up very well, so I photoshopped in some flames.)  

The room above with the large fireplace is a bedroom.  You can see Mary Winchester seated on on of the beds.  There are bunk beds behind Rufus.  I had a lot of dolls involved in this winter scene, and figured several of them would sit in the bedroom to warm up by the fire.  There is no door to this room, just an archway from the main living area.

Here's the main room of the cabin as seen on Supernatural.

Here's a view of the wood stove, a fish trophy, stacks of firewood, and part of the red sofa.

These unstaged photos of the living room, above, show the wood stove made from recycled lids and applesauce cups, the red sofa, the small TV with "rabbit ears" and another log wall with a built-in bookshelf.

I cut the support pillars on this room, which was originally the center second story room.  All of the columns and beams are covered with brown woodgrain contact paper.

Castiel talks to a brother angel in front of the fireplace with its mounted whitetail deer trophy.

Protective sigils drawn on the doors:  I plan to paint these on the interior door... Once I build an interior door, that is.

Sam and Dean seated in the living room, with the bedroom visible behind them.

Kindly ignore the mess;  Rufus fell off the wagon.  He's fine now.  Please note the red sofa, braided rug, and hunting/fishing trophies galore.

Just prior to Rufus's ward, Delos Ross, moving in, Missouri Mosely brought a gift of a handmade quilt for Delos's bed.

Above:  Rufus lights his menorah;  Delos rushes in with a gift.  The fireplace is lit with a battery-powered tea light.  The cabin is furnished with mismatched furniture, just like the cabin on TV.

Apparently, Mary is getting her hair done?  No idea what's going on here!  It's the only reasonably clear photo of this bed.  I made the mattress from a repurposed scarf.  

Um...You don't want to know what's happening here.  Just check out Derpy the Deer trophy, and a better shot of the headboard of the bed, which I did not make, but I did make the matching footboard and painted both black to look like wrought iron!

Missouri has a laugh on the porch.  I love the wicker chair in the background.  

Unsupervised teenagers taking advantage of being unsupervised.  Also a mattress of which I'm inordinately proud.

The cabin is clearly marked by "Posted" and Keep Out" signs.


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