The Scrapbook: An Unauthorized Riverforest Bends Fanfic
Warning: Audacious stealing of characters and events from Riverforest Bends without permission! Names, events, and locations changed to protect the guilty...Or because I forgot those details. Who knows? The Scrapbook It was a quiet day at The Center when Keaton took a break from laundry to join his romantic partner, Grew, at the front desk. It only took a few seconds for Keaton to notice Grew was flustered, their cheeks blushing pink and hands fluttering nervously... And not, Keaton thought, because of his quick, almost completely chaste kiss of greeting. "What's the matter?" he asked Grew quickly. The short, nearsighted mutant had blossomed since escaping government custody, growing in confidence day by day, but a crisis could still reduce them to an anxious, tearful mess. Grew didn't seem that upset, thankfully, but Keaton was still concerned. "Nothing! Nothing at all!" Grew said. If anything, their cheeks ...
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