Season 1, Episode 11: We Are Family

Previous Episode First Episode After John left the kitchen... ...There was the sound of a car pulling up to the house. Bobby said, "That'll be Ellen and Missouri, back from the supply run." He hesitated, concern evident in his eyes. "You don't have to meet everybody right now." "It's fine, Bobby," Marry assured him. She felt rattled, both by John's outburst and her own careening emotions, but she wasn't about to retreat back to her room. "I'm no shrinking violet." The women hunters came in the side door along with a gust of freezing winter wind. "Here, Missouri, let me get that for you," Bobby said. "I want you to meet Mary Winchester." "It's a pleasure, Mary. I'm Missouri Moseley." Mary couldn't help but like her immediately. Just shaking her hand made Mary feel calmer. "Hey, Mary. I'm Ellen." "I would say it's nice to meet you both, ...