Season 1, Episode 3: Cat's in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon

Previous Episode Sometime in the hours before dawn, a new suite of rooms added itself on to the A-frame at the end of Wanek Way. Well, it was new in the sense that it hadn't existed the night before, but the worn wooden flooring, dated wallpaper, and jalousie windows were hardly new construction. Anyone not in on the joke would never know the rooms hadn't been a part of the house all along. The arrival was almost silent, marked only by the typical faint creaks and sighs of an aging house settling more comfortably on its foundations. The whole quiet, gentle process went unnoticed by the slumbering residents of the house...Even the newest occupant sleeping in the bedroom itself. John Winchester woke with a gasp and pushed himself upright, on the verge of panic. Where was he? What was he? Not alive, he reminded himself as the initial shock wore off. Even if he felt very much alive, his heart pounding. Head...