Season 5, Episode 5: Barracuda

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I never got around to completing the vacation storyline due to real life obligations.  I posted the photos below to Instagram as part of that site's MerMay event.  Please enjoy them as a little bonus.

The following scenes are another little bonus from Instagram.  The hunters were invited to attend a birthday party at Wolverine_Land  and I was able to incorporate the party theme of "Outdoor Adventure" into this story.

The outdoor scenes below are courtesy of Katie from Wolverine Land.  I photoshopped my characters into the photos to attend the party.

Rufus and Miss Priscilla Mae from THABDT enjoyed one another's company at the party.  These two have been dating via Instagram events since Juneteenth of 2022!  Photos below courtesy of Jenni from THABDT, who kindly photoshopped Rufus into her scenes.

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