Sun 'N Sands Motel

 In Season 5 of Supernatural, Dean and Sam wound up in a much newer, brighter, and cheerier motel than the ones they usually stayed in.  Let's drop in on the Day-Z Motel (alternately known as the Sun 'N Sands) and take a look around.

As usual, the boys' "room" at the motel was actually a suite, complete with a large kitchen with a dinette set, two queen beds, and bathroom (occupied by a bikini-clad guest.)  I decided the kitchenette would be perfect for the magical A-Frame kitchen.

The kitchen was the first room of the house that I tackled, undaunted by how difficult it is to make kitchens.  The appliances are all in a row on a free-standing wall.  Originally I had it wired for lights, but eventually I replaced them with a ceiling-mounted puck light.  Will I ever repair the holes in the wall?  Probably not.

All the doors and drawers function, except the refrigerator.  I do have plans to install shelves and drawers in the fridge and hang the doors on hinges.  Currently the fridge and freezer doors are stuck on with poster putty.  

I'm pretty pleased with how the oven turned out.  The burners are bottle caps and the control knobs are bolts with pieces of craft foam attached.

Drawer pulls are heavy-duty staples salvaged from a bunch of fabric sample books a friend gave me.  I cut them to fit and painted them black to match the full-sized hardware in the real kitchen.  The kitchen layout is the same as the motel set kitchen, minus two cabinets.  I needed to save on space.

The cupboards don't necessarily hold the typical kitchen accoutrements, anyway.

"Don't open that drawer, Sam!"

Sam was not amused by the bikini-clad guest, and quickly escorted her out.

The daisy-themed room divider was tedious to make, but well worth the effort.  I made the matching wallpaper with my ancient, trusty Paintshop Pro computer software.

I do love the red floor of the kitchen.  

The Day-Z version of the motel was the usual run-down and grubby Winchester haunt.

I did finally paint the base of this table white.  I should re-take this photo...Maybe after I patch that hole in the wall.


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