Mini Serape Wall Decor


You can use striped scrapbook paper or this free printable. I cut the printable as shown above to make two decorations with symmetrical stripes.  (I glued the two tan/red/green sections together.)  

Starting at one short end, start folding the paper back and forth, like folding a paper fan.  Make the folds narrow:  try for one-quarter inch thickness. Do your best to fold and crease the paper only in the center.  The ends of the paper should ripple as shown  instead of having a sharp crease.  

When you get to the end of the paper, cut off any excess.  Your starting and ending folds should face the back, so the colored paper is visible from the side when hung on the wall.

Run a glue stick along the center back of your decoration, then pinch the folds back together in the center.

You may want to put some glue between the front folds as well.  It's not really necessary since you're going to wrap the decoration with twine.

Cut about 2 feet of jute twine, or string, yarn, embroidery thread, etc.  Wrap the cord of your choice around the center of the decoration.  Embroidery thread in coordinating stripes would be really cute.
You may also attach a flower, decorative button, or charm in the center.  Whatever you like!

You can even glue ribbon or embroidery floss to the edges of your mini serape.  I used Alene's fabric glue.

Tie the twine in the back, cut off any excess, and glue each end inside a fold on the back of the decoration to secure it.


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