Halloween 2022
Many adults from Gamble Acres joined the Halloween festivities this year and went party hopping thanks to fellow doll enthusiasts on Instagram who hosted gatherings. First up, John Winchester dressed as Negan from The Walking Dead. As usual, I made his costume myself. I was very pleased with how the jacket turned out. A friend gave me Negan's weapon, barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat Lucille. After asking Sam and then Jo to dress up with him and getting turned down by both, Dean invited a "mystery date." They dressed as He-Man and She-Ra from the 1980's cartoons. Jo already had her own plan to dress up as Harley Quinn. Below, she and John compare bats. Mary Winchester dressed up as Sarah Sanderson from the movie Hocus Pocus. Mary joined Missouri (as Winifred) and Ellen (as Mary) so all three Sanderson sisters were represented. I had wanted to make Hocus Pocus costumes for a long while. These are "inspired by" rather than exact replicas, but...
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